Monday, January 26, 2009

Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Aquarius

Solar Eclipse in my first house: "The focus is on personal development. Self-recognition is essential to self-esteem and growth. Acknowledgement of a weakness is as important to development as the recognition of strengths. No person can exist without some form of weakness. Some people experience identity crises or ruminate on self-doubts as part of the growth process. The Eclipse's influence is one in which the individual realizes that personal potentials can be developed and expresses them more fully. Self-knowledge, self-confidence, and self-enrichment lead to an expansion of personal horizons for those who respond positively to Solar Eclipse energies. A negative reaction blocks growth potentials and gives rise to arrogance and self-gratification. People that are too satisfied with the "self" as they are, fail to recognize what they have become." (

New Moon in my first house: "This New Moon placement is a powerful one—it's a time to reinvent yourself in some personal way, such as with a new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself. This is a personally busy time of year, when you feel energetic and enthusiastic. Think about how you present yourself to others, focus on changing personal habits in such a way as to improve your confidence in yourself, and concentrate on putting your best foot forward, as this is a time when you will get noticed and make a personal impression on others. However, factor in the importance of authenticity in your presentation of yourself. You do not have to, of course, reveal all of yourself to others, but the sign of Aries associated with the first house reminds us of the importance of acting on our impulses and believing in ourselves. This is a time when you can be brave and enjoy new experiences." (cafe astrology)

"A NEW CYCLE! This New Moon period signals the beginning of your lunar cycle, and
brings an opportunity for a new approach to life! The New Moon in the first house is also the luckiest time to make changes in your appearance, so take a chance. You'll also meet new people and encounter different situations, so make sure to always put your best foot forward. Look at how you want to come across for the upcoming year, and resolve to change your habits for the better as well! This is the best time all year to re-invent yourself, for this is the house of self-discovery. Mars, the planet of energy, is the natural ruler of the first house, so you'll probably have enough energy to accomplish all your goals! This is also a great time to try a new look, as well as begin a solid exercise program.

FIRST HOUSE: Beginnings, the personality, the physical body, personal affairs and ventures." (

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