Thursday, January 8, 2009

1st house Ceres in Aquarius

In Aquarius:"If it's weird, someone with Ceres in Aquarius will be likely to find it nurturing. Being with friends would also be a nurturing experience, and the friends, in turn, will probably feel nurtured. However, the early nurturing received was most likely erratic. When mommy isn't there when the child is crying, the kid has to eventually cut off from the feelings of abandonment. Eventually, the child grows up, starts dating, and, when they really like somebody, up comes the feeling "I need you." That's when they get the great urge to run away. The negative side of Ceres in Aquarius is that it tends to have contact difficulties in intimate relationships."

"From an esoteric viewpoint this is the house of the ‘world server', therefore you may have a mission to help the masses in a humanitarian way. Persons with this placement love the world and look at our global community as all are friends, bothers, or sisters. There are no boarders. Remember the song by John Lennon, ‘Imagine ‘Imagine all the people loving everyone….

We care and nurture our friends and are nurtured by them as well. All 12 step groups embody this archetype, the challenge loss, and then returning to a state of well being, while friends in the support group nurture and care for you. In addition, this placement would most likely include single parenting groups, adoption, foster parents, orphanages, or those who work in community group homes for disadvantaged children and youth. Ceres here may rebel against the social structure and want to see change, bringing in new innovative ideas, inventions, and to work to bring about positive change for our future. They can be activists and will let their ideas be known through the use the written word, newspapers, public speaking and books. Grief issues involves friend, groups, and rebelliousness, the rebel without a cause syndrome, adoption issues and our global community."

"Ceres in Aquarius persons identify nurturing with individuality. Ideally, the mothering experience fostered self-determination and a recognition of the rights of others. Nurturing is expressed through teaching others to accept their eccentricities and themselves, even if they 'follow the beat of a different drummer'. Self-acceptance can be gained through following one's own original and unique path. Imbalances may occur if the child was not given limits and guidelines, and therefore received more freedom than he or she was prepared to cope with. This would manifest as the 'rebel without a cause', the individual who needs to gain inner control and self-discipline so that he / she can handle the responsibilities of freedom."

In the 1st House:"People will always be mistaking you for their mother, even if you are a guy. That's because Ceres in the 1st house people just seem to be nurturing. This effect is lessened if Ceres is located more towards the end of the house, or in a different sign from the Ascendant. There can be a problem if you happen to have a lot of planets in Gemini, like a friend of mine. She would rather talk than nurture, but emotionally needy people gravitate towards her constantly."

"Ceres in Aries (or 1st house) people identify nurturance with autonomy and being granted independence. In turn, the Ceres in Aries (or 1st house) individual nurtures others through promoting their self-determination and self-sufficiency. To feel truly loved, this person must receive these experiences from his or her significant others. Pathology or imbalance can occur when the child feels either dominated by the nurturer or pushed toward autonomy before he or she is ready to take on this responsibility."

"Ceres will be an obvious part of the personality, initiating and promoting self nurturance and caring for others. Independent, assertive, self-starter, action orientated, physical activity; the grief work of Ceres may be connected to the self, through health, appearance, personality, or projection to partner could occur, or may attract a challenging partner or relationship."

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